
Lions Clubs

Interested in becoming a member of Lions Clubs? Please contact your local Lions club using the Lions Club site Lion to locate the club nearest to where you live or work. Or click on the contact us page for our President and Membership Chairman's contact information.

Membership is open to men and women of legal majority and good reputation, and is by invitation only.

Clubs meet at least twice a month and elect officers annually.

Are you interested in joining a Leo club?

The Leo Club Directory includes contact information for the Leo club advisor and the name of the Leo club president. Clubs appear in alphabetical order by language.

The directory includes the most recently reported contact information. An asterisk (*) beside a club name indicates that the most recent club officer reporting form has not been received.

Membership is open to young men and women of good character who meet local age requirements and are deemed eligible by the Leo club committee of the sponsoring Lions club.

Important notice

The information contained in this directory is confidential for Leo club use only. No true Leo will use it commercially or permit others to do so.