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June 22, 2023
Flags Over Liberty Hill


     Welcome to the Liberty Hill Lions Club home page. Please take some time and browse through our upcoming events. You can also use contact us to find out how you can become a member.

For information about the Lions Foundation Park, please go to their website contact page

     We Serve - Nearly 1.4 million Lions members in 206 countries and geographic areas answer the needs that challenge the communities of the world. Lions tackle tough problems like blindness, drug abuse prevention and diabetes awareness.

     Global neighbors - Lions members—men and women—provide immediate and sustained relief in time of disaster and offer long-term assistance to those in need. Lions collect and recycle eyeglasses for distribution in developing countries and treat millions of people to prevent river blindness.

     Community Leaders - Lions improve the quality of life in their local communities by building parks, supporting hospitals and establishing water treatment programs.

     For 94 years, whenever there is a need at home or around the world, Lions members are there to help—We Serve.

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